It’s now easier than ever to manage your pawn loans and layaways with the Meriden Pawn “Mobile Pawn” app, available on IOS and Android devices*. Make payments, request extensions and more, all conveniently within the app, any time of day, even when the shop is closed. No need to visit the store or call! You can also chat with us direct from within the app.
What can you do in the app?
- Loan reminders
- Track pawn loans
- Ask questions
- Manage layaways & make payments
- Request loan extensions
- Easily see payment due dates and payment histories
- Recieve special offers and more
Get Mobile Pawn on Google Play Store
* Using the app requires an activation code, provided by staff at Meriden Pawn. For information about managing your pawns using the app, ask in-store or call: (203) 237-0899