Starting January 1, 2025, our hours will be Monday-Friday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM and Saturday 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

273 W. Main Street, Meriden, CT 06451   |   MONDAY – FRIDAY 10AM – 6PM   |   SATURDAY 11AM – 4PM SUNDAY CLOSED

273 W. Main Street, Meriden, CT 06451    


(203) 237-0899

What Sells Best in Pawnshops 2020?

When you need some quick cash, there’s lots of things you could sell to a nearby pawnshop.  Some shops buy a greater variety of items than others, and some like Meriden Pawn have specialities such as gold jewellery which they by more of.  On the whole there are a reliable group of items pawnshops are known for and buy/sell more of.

Fine Jewellery

Jewellery made from precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum is of significant interest for pawnbrokers.  They are good collateral for pawn loans and worthwhile for buyers too.  Anyone in the market for good quality jewellery can take advantage of significant cost-savings compared with other high-street jewellers.

Most pawnshops will be very interested in buying jewellery complete with gemstones, so if you have any then you can get a better rate offered.

A sub-set of the jewellery market, watches are often of high interest to pawnshops for similar reasons to fine jewellery; they are timeless and always in demand.  Good quality watches from popular designer brands hold their value well and you have a good chance of selling them at your local pawnshop.



The market for second-hand consumer electronics is huge and one that pawnshops can’t ignore.  The amount of tech people have to get rid of and the demand for perfectly usable second-hand electronics make it highly lucrative for pawnshops.

Most pawnshops will now accept smartphones, games consoles, televisions, stereo systems and newer tech such as smart speakers.

Pawnshops will want to test any electronics they buy. You should always take the time to test any tech you plan to sell to prevent a wasted trip.


Musical instruments

Pawnshops offer cash for instruments such as guitars, pianos and amplifiers because they hold onto their value well.  You can make even more money if you have a sought-after brand or older instrument.  If you have an old instrument you never use then it is an easy sell to visit your local pawnshop who you know buys them, check first though.


Power tools

You can get cash for tools at most pawnshops.  Contractor tools are of particular interest because of their build quality and greater value.  Power tools are usually built to last a long time, but they don’t come cheap; this makes second-hand tools of high interest to a wide proportion of the public.


Sports equipment

In the US there is a long-history of competitive sports in schools, colleges and the general community.  Like many of the other items on this list, good sports equipment can be expensive new.  People will still pay good money for used equipment though, enabling pawnshops to offer a reasonable rate when you go to sell them.  All these items were studied primarily in the 2020 global pawn shops market study, further evidence of their significance to pawnshops.


Buy and sell all of these items and more at your local, trusted central CT pawnshop, Meriden Pawn.